Sunday 18 November 2012

Diana, The Goddess Of The Moon

Diana Moon Goddess9 This years Halloween outfit was inspired by The Goddess Diana. She is the Roman Goddess of The Moon, The Forest, Witchcraft, hunting and fertility. Minus the hunting part, to me she is pretty much perfect. She can talk to animals (the Snow White of the Goddess world) and is mostly associated with Cats, Stag's and Bears, what a babe.

Diana is always depicted with a bow (it is said that her arrows are associated with Moon beams) and a Cresent moon headdress. As I am already an archer (in the Sagittarius sense) all that was missing was my Moon Headdress.
Dianna Moon Goddess10 
I already had the Silver hat so I embroidered pearls onto the front to create my Cresent Moon and then added the Star brooch. Diana Moon Goddess8 The Lightning Bolt cape was an early Birthday present from Craig (dreamboat Bowers strikes again).  The embroidery details on the cape deserve a whole post of their own, so so beautiful! Diana Moon Goddess5 Diana Moon Goddess3
All photo's taken by Craig in our living room. 

I spent Halloween celebrating my Friend Hannah's Birthday. She is an incredibly talented illustrator and has just started doing her Masters at The RCA. You can see her work here.

 I am wearing:

1920's Rhine Stone dress: Beyond Retro ~ 1940's Lightning Cape: VivaVoceVintage

1930's Silver Hat: This Shop Rocks ~ 1920's Silver Shoes: Ebay


I am very happy to announce that the Winner of my Etsy Shop give away is the lovely...

Ruby Armoire

 Congratulations Ruby!
 Visit her beautiful blog here.

Thank you to everyone who entered, it was so lovely to hear about your favourite items.

 I have sent off Four packages already this week, thank you so much for all for your support and for all who shared.
I have just added some more items so go on over and take a look.

Hope you all enjoy your Sunday.
Kelly-Marie xx


  1. that cape is marvelous! And in reality so is the whole outfit :)

    Hope you had a great time on Halloween!

  2. Oh how lovely! Beautiful :) I also got round to positing a photo or two of my Halloween outfit today - my attempt was slightly more modest though :D

    Have a lovely Sunday!

  3. I don't know! You're pretty good at hunting out vintage ;-D xxx

    1. Hehe! Very true Kerry. Okay so she is 100% Perfect. Xxx

  4. What a beautiful Halloween costume. So nice to see something different from cats and witches, and it looks so stylish too!

  5. What a truly showstopping look! Stunning, stunning!

  6. Sultry lips! Love it.

  7. what an amazing costume, i feel like it fits you so well!

    lindsey louise

  8. Oh my beautiful lady you look absolutely stunning, the cape is sheer perfection on you! And that headdress is amazing! So jealous you have cinema seats, I want some for my house (when I get one). xxxxx

  9. Oh, what a wonderful idea and execution for your costume. Your headpiece is amazing! x

  10. Ach, too good! You are wonderful, and so is that cape! What a find!

  11. I really love your costume Kelly-Marie!! I love the detail you put into the hat, the pearled crescent moon you added really makes it! And the cape from Craig really does deserve it's own close up shots!

    Your friend Hannah really is so talented, I was just looking through her website, what a gifted lady!

    I hope you've had a great weekend and congrats on all the sales, I'll hopefully be making a purchase soon!

    Emma x

  12. Absolutely stunning!!!! You belong in one of Madame Yevonde's goddess portraits! The cape and hat are both such divine pieces.
    And Diana was always my favorite goddess growing up, as I was a bit of a tomboy.

    1. Thank you Dakota, The Godess series by Madame Yevonde is one of my favs, so you compliment has made my day. :-) xxx

  13. You look stunning! That hat is really something, very unique and gorgeous :)

  14. What an incredible outfit! I love the hat and cloak particularly. You look wonderful, a modern Diana with fabulous hair :)Those Halloween cut outs are a lot of fun, and that skeleton is even more spooky for being headless!

    My halloween outfit was an 18th century provencal cloak and a black lace ballgown made by my granny who was a couturier in the 30s.


  15. GASP!!! Your hat! Your dress! Your 20s silver SHOESSSSSS!!!!

  16. Yesssss I win at life!! Thank you again lovely lady! Props on the jealousy-inducing costume, you look wonderful xx

  17. Gosh, you never cease to amaze dear Kelly-Marie! I didn't watch The Paradise initially but made a point to do so after you mentioned it in reply to my recent comment. What can I say? I was bowled over by it from the very first and to say that it simply gets better and better is rather an understatement. You must watch it if you haven't already done so. There, you are under orders! I simply must know what you think, and once you have you'll know why!

    To cut a long story short, Diana came to Brutus in a vision and commanded him to build a temple in her honour in Britain (then known as Albion), legend has it that he raised that temple where modern-day St Paul's Cathedral now stands (which also hold significance in Islamic eschatology), there were several temples in the vicinity devoted to various deities. It is said that Wren discovered its ruins during the reconstruction following the fire in 1666 which he mistakenly thought to belong to the Roman era.

    You reverence the Goddess Diana well-deservedly. True worship entails donning the Divine colours and attributes and you seem to embody all those associations quite beautifully. Diana’s festival, too, was ousted and incorporated by the Christian church into the festival of the Assumption of the virgin on August 15. Mary suckled the infant Christ much the same way as Isis is seen to suckle Horus whom many an ignorant Christian have mistaken for the Madonna and worshiped. (See Sir James George Frazer’s chapter on ‘The Hanged God’ in The Golden Bough. 12 Volumes, Oxford, 1906 – 1915, also Alone of All Her Sex: The Myth & Cult of the Virgin Mary. 1976).

    1. Thank you Rehan. I have now watched the whole series of The Paradise and I absolutely loved it!! The actual shop is my dream come true. I would have loved to work on the sets. I heard they are maing another series for next year so I might actually try and get some work experience on it, you never know. Worth a try.
      What an ending! Have you read the novel? I think I might now, I didn't even realise it was based on a novel at first. x

  18. As ever, you look stunning. Your hat is a creation indeed and suits you wonderfully with your sultry cupid's bow. Beautiful shoes too. M x

  19. Oh you steal my wee heart sweetpea! You look amazing, so gorgeous! Everything is perfecto! I hope you are well kitten! xxx

  20. this is a really incredible look and i think you accomplished it so well. great photos darling.
    xx rae

  21. Thank you all so much for your lovely comments! xx


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